The End of Mass Shootings

AI-precision you can rely on, assisting people you can count on

Imagine if first responders and on-site security personnel had superpowers that let them quickly and effectively respond to active shooters, without risking the lives of themselves or have others come in harms way. We created the Green Guardian, a next-gen active security system to serve that exact purpose.


Using a series of advanced sensors and AI, the Green Guardian is able to instantly and fully autonomously detect active shooters in its vicinity, and alert first responders.


The Green Guardian gives first responders the ability to non-lethally disable an active shooter, minimizing the risk of injury and collateral damage and allowing for swift apprehension.


Any premise that is protected by a Green Guardian also serves as an effective deterrent, reminding potential aggressors that the response from first responders will be decisive and immediate.

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